
  • This That And The Other Thing…

    I had a blog well in hand last night but due to working with a different lap top, my decent sized blog got lost. Can’t figure out how to retrive it. Have I said lately how much I MISS my Webtv??? Or how that dates me? ;-) That was my first taste of the internet/email/IM.

    My lap top died last weekend. My main lap top died. With all my music on it. And I didn’t back anything up. And I have reduced my CD collection. And my tastes are the hard-to-find/out-of-print variety. So, instead of buying that high end tablet, I get to scour Amazon to replenish my disk drive. Or I buy a external tera bit disk drive and have a friend of mine fill it up. Either, it’s a pain in the ass to deal with. Plus side is I have a 1.3 mega pixel camera/micro phone built in. So I can Skype now. But the keyboard is awkward. TThe screen is bigger and I can play DVDs on it.

    The doctor visit went well. I’m on another blood presure medication. And I’m going to get my mouth taken care of. And THAT means I get to dip into my small 401k plan to pay for the dentures. Eh, I should have taken care of it sooner. Just maybe my health will improve. I’m getting diabetes supplies that my medical insurance is paying for most of it. (I’ve been getting junk mail to join whatever insurance plan since The Afforable Health Care Act went into effect. Which I find laughable seeing how I’ve had coverage since 1994. And I’ve had had a type of short term disabilty insurance since then also. The later is for when one is off work due to being off work due to medical issues). So, instead of shelling out $30.00 for sixty test strips for my testing meter, I’m paying around $11.00 for three months and that also inclueds the device that alows you prick your finger to get blood. It’s going to take at least six weeks for my gums to heal because they’re going to take what’s left of my teeth out. Then I get fitted for dentures.

    Did every one enjoy their extra hour of sleep last night? For those of us who live in states that allow it. Yes, there are a few states in the USA who don’t follow that. And thanks to George W. Bush for changing the usual period to November and early March.

    Work is starting to ramp up for the hoildays. So, that means alot of imported stuff that we have to figure out what goes to whom and the stink of Salted Cod. And they are heavy and awkward to handle. Nothing like picking spliters out your hand if you’re not careful.

    Kinda wishing the danged wind would get the pesky leaves off the trees. Me being the lazy guy, uses the lawn mower to chop the leaves up. Raking the danged things are such a pain. It’s nice to have a mulch function on the mower.

    Well, it’s time for dinner. Leftovers, leftovers. What to choose from.

    At least it was a decent day today. Was out for a few hours. Gotta get that little bit of sun light when you can.


  • Government Shutdown, Affordable Health Care and My So-Called Vacation…

    Yeah, gotta loved our elected politicians who so want “Obama Care” off the books enough to partially shut down and lay-off people. And with the debt ceiling looming, just WTF is wrong with our country??? I was speaking with a guy I know and some group had a poll that asked the question about The Afforable Health Care Act and Obama Care. And if you’re not clue-less, they’re the SAME DAMNED THING. Just worded differently. If the phrase Obama Care wasn’t introduced: maybe, JUST MAYBE there wouldn’t be a government shut-down. And how about letting the damned thing exist and if and when if fails, then BITCH about it and repeal it. Until then, SHUT THE HELL UP. Good God. There are more important things that need to be done. When I didn’t have health care, it sucked. And if I was still working at a fastfood place, I’d be signing up for it. I give up.

    Now I got that off my chest… ;-)

    I haven’t been around. Just because there hasn’t been much going on in my life and I’ve been very lazy and not doing much of anything. And I’m sorry I haven’t been leaving comments on your blogs. Man, I MISS old Xanga. When I would get a daily email about who’s saying what. I miss being able to access the sight from my phone. Does anyone else have problems using their Android Phones or IPhones to access the site? Or is it one the new fangled things Xanga 2.0 isn’t doing.

    I was “supposed” to be on vacation this week. Kinda looking forward to it. A nice and sunny week. So, stupid me decides to turn on my phone and low and behold. I get a text from my boss telling me to call him. Texted him back and found out a guy, who has had health problems is back in the hospital with another unrelated health concern and maybe jut maybe I take my vacation by the end of the month. It depends on when he comes back to work. So, for the next two weeks I’m covering for him. And a new driver is being shown the ropes because a driver is quiting after being there a year. He was one who was getting on my nerves. If I don’t like someone, tend to ignore them and they leave me alone. Not this guy. I’ve mentioned him before and I don’t like seeing drivers leave, I won’t be missing him. In the past 19 years, only one driver has stayed. And he was there before I started. And I have this thing, para-phrasing that Las Vegas commercial, “What Happens On Nights, Stays On Nights”… We, on nights, don’t do anything wrong, just like to keep things on the down low. And any suggestions as how how to “speed” things up. I mean, they may want to find a way to cut out our forty hour work-week and maybe go to a three day work week. Nah. A four day work week is fine. The food business is steady i my neck of the woods. It’s been buiser but I get my 40 hours in a week.

    I don’t do Twitter because I trust people here. My family doesn’t have access to this. I MISS The Pulse. Or maybe I’m just dumb too figure things out. I need to, which I was going to do on my vacation, explore WordPress more or muddle about here more.

    Well, I see my doctor Thursday morning as to see if they’ll up my meds on the high blood presure meds.

    Ciao. For some reason, I may need to use Firefox to use Xanga 2.0. It’s getting to blog here.

  • Hey there…

    1. The two trees are still up. Am hoping for a September 30 removal providing of course Mother Nature doesn’t decide to either Rain or Snow.
    2. Watched Marvel Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Not too bad. It’s a pilot and there are some plots that they plan to develope. It’s nice to see Ron Glass (Sheppard Book) have a role. Hope it’s not just a one off.
    3. Have downloaded The Blacklist and Sleepy Hollow to my PSP. I’ll probably watch them maybe Thursday.
    4. Just watched the season premire of NCIS. While there are a lot of fans who are pissed that Ziva will be gone, I still miss Kate and the way they “killed” her off. They could have maybe had her leave another way but the impact of her death affected the “team” and it was needed. Didn’t like fat first but anything that moves the story I’m all for.
    5. Have read two new books. A “New” Spenser novel by Ace Atkins. I didn’t care for the first first book he did but I did like the new so much I read it in one night. The Racketeer by John Grisham. Again, one of those one night things. It’s how I am. Reading doesn’t put me to sleep. Unless the story sucks. Then it’s snooze ville.
    6. Haven’t decided to buy World War Z yet. I still haven’t read the book yet. I misplaced it. Or it’s in one of the containers I have my books stored. I do want to buy the new Iron Man movie.
    7. A Cleveland Fans Wet Dream almost happened. Two sports teams won in one day. Had Tthe Basketball Team played a game that counted, it would have been trifecta. But The Cleveland Browns looked decent. The Offensive Line still looked weak but two players sparked the scoring. The Cleveland Indians are still winning. And if they can keep winning and the other teams ahead of them loose… Well, the attendence has picked up and Man is it FUN to listen to the play-by-play anouncers call the game.
    8. It’s Fall and it’s sooooo nice not to be covered in sweat. One more Thursday in the Freezer for this month.
    Calling it a night.

  • Skunk Festival…

    1. How’s that for an invite to read something, huh?
    2. Yes, there is such a thing and my home town of North Ridgeville Ohio put one on yesterday. As IF The Corn Festival wasn’t enough, we have this. And why not? It’s the one animal that you have to admire that when you piss it off, instead of biting or clawing at you it’s make sure that you NEVER mess with one again. ;-) And Warner Brothers and Mel Blanc made a character of a Skunk.
    3. Am enjoying this Fall like weather we’re having in North Eastern Ohio. But due to the rain we got Thursday into Friday, the two dead trees are coming down on September 30th, providing of course on the cooperation of Mother Nature.
    4. The Cleveland Browns lost another game. The Defense looks great. They held a Super Bowl Champion team to just 14 points. But the Offense sucked the life out the place. The Cleveland Indians are winning and a game and a half out of the final wild card slot. But there is more than a few games left to play. But they are winning. Just not having all that great crowds for home games. The Ohio State Buckeyes won again. And that ends the Ohio Sports part of this blog.
    5. The next two Thursdays I’m stuck in the Freezer. Am kinda glad the weather cooled off for the reason of the extreems of temps. Nothing like going from a freezing enviroment to a hot and humid enviroment. The makings of a serious Cold. Which reminds me, next pay check I gotta get my Flu Shot.
    6. So what new shows are your DVR list this Fall Season??? As If I don’t have enough to watch but there are a few shows I may watch until they start being bad.
    7. Did anyone watch the series finale of Burn Notice? If you haven’t, you missed out on an AWESOME episode. Cleaned up a lot of loose ends and it may have leaves room for either a mini series or a two hour movie.
    8. Haven’t made up my mind if I want to buy World War Z yet. I may end up buying a Blue Ray player next pay check. They’re cheap and I want to start buying some movies again.
    9. Time to call it a night. Another work week awaits me.
    10. CIAO…

  • Saturday, In The Park…

    1. Well, it’s past The Fourth Of July and I was at no park. There are trees in my yard and I did go for a walk.
    2. Yeah, TOTALLY missing Xanga 2.0. Miss the app for the phone. Miss not being able to check from my phone. So, I’m not really happy with Xanga 2.0.
    3. Started my nineteenth year at work. Wonder if I’ll get something for my twenty year mark.
    4. Fall starts in just over three weeks. As par for North Eastern Ohio weather goes, it’ll be the hottest day of the season. ;-)
    5. The Cleveland Indians are two games out of the Wild Card postion for the play-offs. And have won more games than last year. The Cleveland Browns start their season tomorrow. The Ohio State Buckeyes won another game against a cream puff team without their starting quarterback. Lets see how they’ll do against a decent football team next week. Oh, The Denver Broncos spanked The Baltimore Ravens. Or as I like to call them, Cleveland Browns East.
    6. Friday The 13th, two dead trees are to be taken out of the back yard. So, hoping no evil spirits are under ground. ;-)
    7. My home town school football team is 2-0 after spanking a team 58-21.
    (Speaking about sports and spanking… Hmmm, should have posted NSFW in the header. ;-) )
    8. Burn Notice ends it’s series run this Thursday. I haven’t watched the last season in full. May end up buying it when it hits DVD. Will tape/download the last episode. Heard rumours that not all things will be resolved. Leaving it to possible either mini series or made for tv movie. And there will NOT be a happy ending. Or Matt Mix maybe screwing with us. Who knows. Hawaii 5-0 repeats are going to be on TNT. There are a few new shows I’m going to give a shot but may end up downloading to my PSP for later viewings.
    9. Direct TV has HBO and Cinemax free this weekend and the only movies I’m recording are Argo and the latest Bourne Movie. Nothing else caught my eye to record.
    Well, that’s all for now. Time fo bed. Early day tomorrow. And may try again to make a dent on the tree limb pile. Or pay extra for removal when the two dead trees get taken down.
    10. Am loving the cool weather. Too bad it’s going to get in the mid to upper 80′s early next week. But it’s North Eastern Ohio Weather. It bounces so much I kinda expect snow before Halloween. Some one the next street over has started decorating their yard in a Halloween Theme already. How about waiting until October first, huh???

  • First post…

    Really missing the Pulse option. Had to get here in a round about way. I never got the email about what’s going on. And can’t figureut what happend to the $25.00 I paid back in April. And I’m going to have to spend a weekend or two to see how I like the “new” Xanga. Just hoping my “friends” are still here. Yeah, missing the Pulse function. And hoping I don’t have to keep using Firefox. I’ll be posting this weekend. Hope everyone is fine and have made the move here…
    Time for a shower and some sleep.

  • Trending: Complaining about the new Batman…Really???

    When I got the news that Ben Affleck was picked to be the new Batman in the upcoming Superman movie, it was late and I haven’t seen Man Of Steel yet so I thought I’d sleep on it.

    Boy, did the geeks come out and have an a field day. To a point of having an online petition (that’s been taken down) BANNING him from being in any super hero movies. REALLY??? With all the news going on in the world: Out of control fires in the western United States, the Army guy who was sentenced for 35 years to prison wanting hormone therapy to become a woman, and tons of other more important news going on, this gets mentioned in EVERY news outlet???

    So, me being me, is going to throw my three cents in. I haven’t seen Man Of Steel. So I have nothing to base how the new Batman/Superman movie will be like. My hesitation is that it’s from the same guy who have us Watchmen and I didn’t care for it. I’ll see the movie when it comes out either to Netflix/Hulu. And for the record, I LIKED Daredevil (I also liked Lost in Space and Blade III, both which got panned by the critics/actors alike). And before the Internet, a certain actor named Michael Keaton was picked to play Batman and there was howls about that. Not from me. I saw him in a serious movie called Clean And Sober before and had confidence in him playing the role. As I look back, the movie doesn’t stand the test of time. I like Christian Bale better as Batman with Val Kilmer as a close second. With me, it has to be all about the story. No story for me, it’s nothing.

    So the moral of this: Geeks will be Geeks and let’s just see HOW the movie is before slamming Ben Affleck. Remember the howls of out rage when they re-booted Star Trek, Spider Man, etc??? Me, I want a re-boot of Space: 1999. Or a movie. They did Thunderbirds and that movie tanked. Probably the reason why Johnathan Frakes hasn’t directed a big budget movie since.

    Well, I managed to was my dirty clothes. And now I’m tired. An early day tomorrow. Yard work. Ughhhh. And it’s supposed to be muggy next week. There goes the electric bill.

    Stay cool and be safe!!!


  • A quick blog Pt. 2

    I did a fairly decent sized blog on WordPress and have been posting shorter ones here. Dunno why. Maybe I’m shooting for trying to do both sites until Xanga figures out when/if Xanga 2.0 premires…

    A few things…

    The Food Network has a new show you should AVOID. It’s called Cutthroat Kitchen. It’s a competition show but you can mess with other cooks by making their lives difficult. I watched one episode and wished I didn’t. It’s not fun. I mean, do we need another show about screwing someone over to get ahead??? Meh. I’ll just keep watching Chopped. Where you have to adapt to what’s in “The Basket”. I missed the Great Food Truck Race premier. And I can’t wait until the new season of Top Chef starts up. And what’s up the amount of shows that have food in it that I’m watching anyways???

    RIP Elmore Leonard. I haven’t near enough of his books but thanks to him, we have a really good show called Justified. Maybe there’s a few more unpublished books/stories that can be released.

    Well, The Feast Of The Assumption is over with and not without a cost. An unintended cost. One of the guys who’s, what you would call a second-in-command, went into the Emergency Room with intestine problems. He’ll be out of work for at least maybe two weeks. So my Boss had to cut his vacation/recovery from the Feast short.

    Summer has made a return and just in time for the kiddies to go back to school. So, I’m back to drinking gallons of water. And am I ever so HAPPY that the sun is setting before 8:30pm and It’s dark around 9pm. And as soon as Winter hits, I can knock down a bit of my book pile.

    Well, it’s time for a shower and maybe a decent nights worth of sleep.


  • A quick and brief blog…

    Well, I survived a calm Monday. The rest of the week looks to interesting due the build up of orders for The Feast Of The Assumption next week. By next Tuesday, if the orders ain’t in, the day before should be a interesting day.

    The only Cleveland area paper has cut back on it’s home delivery to only four days. It’s a cost cutting idea. For some reason, most people want to view the news on-line. Not I. I waited for a few minutes just to get through to customer service to cancel and trying to explain why I want to cancel it. No, I don’t have a tablet. So, a local news paper where I live has a special for six months of home delivery goes for $25.00 Am taking bets when The Cleveland Plain Dealer will go under. I, just out of curiosity picked up the Monday edition. For seventy five cents, the paper was tiny. So, later this morning, I start my “new” seven day delivery of a different and local news paper.

    4:30 am and it’s time for a shower and a brief six hour nap to start another day of the work week.


  • Hello It’s Me…

    Well, Xanga is still here and I guess until the end of the month I can contribute to WordPress/Xanga 2.0. Which also means I should get credit because I did pay for premium service back in April. So I don’t know what/where I should post. And for a long while, Xanga stopped sending me updates until a few days ago. And they’re still taking funds until the end of the month so I don’t know what I’m going to do just yet.

    I’m sorry about being MIA of late. Between work (being short-handed due to vacations and the oppressive heat that finally broke) and yard work on the weekends, the only thing I’ve been doing is either playing mind less games on Facebook (@gottobereal is kicking my ass on a word game. I never learn. ) or trying to make a dent on the book pile but seeing how I dropped some cash at a local library sale, the pile is still massive. And the month of August is never fun. Last minute vacations and a local festival in Cleveland’s Little Italy around the second week of August means a very busy week and there IS talk about a pay raise after the festival is over with. That’s what my boss hinted at.

    Michale Ansara passed away yesterday. He was in more than a few Star Trek episodes, voiced Mr. Freeze in Batman The Animated Series and a bit role in an episode of a series called Babylon 5.

    Under The Dome got renewed for another season. So, this means I’ll be watching it on either Hulu/Netflix or maybe read the book. Haven’t been watching much new TV series. Too nice outside. But I’ve been watching Beware The Batman. Not your typical kids cartoon. And it’s using CGI that was better than Green Lantern The Animated Series. And different takes on Batman’s massive amount of bad guys (the Xanga spell check ain’t working and my dictionary is missing. arrrrgh).

    Well, I had to buy some new shoes. My old ones are/have worn out. I just dropped over $100 on two pairs on Amazon. They should be here by Thursday. At the end of month, some new shirts. Man, I need a life. Which is probably why I haven’t posted for a while. I’m taking a week off in October. Whether I go some place or do some Fall cleaning around the yard is a toss-up. There are two trees that need to be taken care of. One dead tree has the potential to fall on my room. And the mulberry tree needs to be trimmed. But the tomato plants are coming in like gang busters. Well, when you have a fenced in yard it keeps the Deer away. There’s this ground hog that keeps digging holes under the fence. But between Dad and I have plugged the holes.

    I made the mistake of trying to ride a bicycle today. Man, are my knees shot. Maybe a reclining bicycle is in order. I’ll give it a few tries. The last time I rode one was over twenty years ago. But on the good side I’m still doing my walks on the weekends. Which explains the need for new shoes. I’m on Zestril, 30mg a day for now. I’m now taking four medications a day. Metformin and Hydrochlorot twice a day. The later is for my swelling in my legs and it’s working.

    The Cleveland Indians are doing fine right now. Listening to the games when I can have been fun. I like the broadcasters and for the first time in years, they’re having fun. The Cleveland Browns have started training camp and soon some college football will starting.

    I’m glad the coverage of Ariel Castro is over with. But now there is another freak who has killed three women in East Cleveland. Glad I live on the west side of town/suburbs. My gripe is that there are hundreds of people who turn up missing every year and never get the coverage.

    Still haven’t been to the casino downtown. No plans for that either.

    Have you noticed that the “healthy foods” have just as much sodium/sugar as the “unhealthy foods” do??? But I’ve cut back my fast food visits to once a week. Wendy’s is still my go-to place.

    My average of three games of bowling once a week is up to a 130 average. Dads still kicking my ass. He bowls at least three to four times a week and keeps at least a 190 average. But I still like to bowl and will keep at it and maybe join a league next year. And it’s exercise. You try to throw and aim a fifteen pound ball down the lane without throwing in the gutter. At first, just to break 100 was a milestone. Now just keeping a 130 average is good. If I could just pick up the spares…

    Am damned sure glad the heat has stayed away for the past few days. The 70′s are feeling nice. Still drinking a lot of water. But I have realized that I’ve got to cut back on the diet soda. Or maybe buying the twenty ounce bottles. The amount I put in the recycle bin has started to scare me a bit. But when it starts getting cooler I switch back to coffee. It’s too dang hot to be drinking coffee.

    Okay, maybe next weekend I’ll get to back to my weekly posts. Or start posting more pulses. Time for bed. An early morning. Home Depot visit for a new weed trimmer.
